維修申請時需要準備提供3張照片. Provide 3 photos during this application
1.機身上的產品SN照片 Product Serial Number(SN) photo,
2.故障狀況畫面的近照 Failure condition photo,
3.著機後包含四角全畫面的正面照片, 如故障不能著機,就提供一張不著機包含四角全畫面正面照片 Full screen photo.
** 如果拍照未能容易反映到真實的問題,可以在收到確認電郵後,回覆該電郵來補充更多相片或影片.
** If the photos do not easily reflect the actual issue, you can reply the confirmation email after receiving it to provide additional photos or videos.
在機背下半部位置可以找到產品序號 (S/N), 請拍照上傳. Can find Serial Number (S/N) from the lower part of the back of the monitor:
故障狀況畫面的近照 Failure condition photo:
著機後包含四角全畫面的正面照片, 如故障不能著機,就提供一張不著機包含四角全畫面正面照片 Full screen photo:
開始申請 Start application:
MSI Premium顯示器上門保用條款:
一般產品保用: https://www.hornington.com/一般產品保用/
1. 適用地區:香港
2. MSI顯示器的保用期為3年。
3. MSI顯示器上門保用服務只適用於漢科代理原裝行貨。
4. 客戶須於購買日起30天內上網完成保用登記,方能享用顯示器上門保用服務。否則只享有自攜保用服務。
5. 保用期限將以發票為起始日,請務必妥善保留,如無相關證明將以代理商出貨時間計算。
6. 收機時, 客戶必須出示正本購買單據及本公司保養貼方為有效。
7. 上門收送服務並不包括即場檢測機器,客人如需要即場檢測產品,請選擇自攜產品到維修中心。
8. 保養服務並不包括拆卸服務, 客戶需自行拆卸產品。
9. 保養不包括連接線 / 隨機附件及機身外殼。
10. 如回廠檢查後, 如發現不在免費保養之列。客戶在以此情況需負擔運費及一切相關維修費。
11. 若申請資料填寫不正確、不完整導致無法順利升級保用,漢科恕不負責。
12. MSI顯示器上門保用只限全新售出貨品,不包括曾作店舖陳列用機
13. 在下列情況下顯示器保用服務將會失效,本公司有權拒絕维修該產品或向客人徴收所有維修及運輸費用。
- i. 產品曾被非本公司人員修理或改裝。
- ii. 產品因意外因素或人為原因,包括不限於電腦病毒、搬運、擠壓、磕碰、劃傷、撞擊、高溫、輸入不合適的電壓、腐蝕、水、火、意外等導致的故障或損壞。
- iii. 產品不按照原廠提供之指示安裝或保用。
- iv. 附於產品上的型號或產品編號曾被删改或除去。
- v. 產品上的產品序號與購買發票所列者不符。
- vi. 產品已經超出保養期。
- Vii. 顯示器因長時間顯示同一個固定畫面,而導致烙印於顯示器上的現象。
14. 服務時間:星期一至五 中午 12 時至下午 6 時 (星期六日及公眾假期休息)
15. 顯示器上門保用服務僅限於香港特別行政區境內,包括香港島、九龍及新界的工商及屋苑地址,並不包括機場、邊境禁區、 離島、愉景灣、馬灣及東涌。部分偏遠地區或未有公共交通工具直達之地方,客戶須繳付額外費用。
16. 漢科代理在維修或更換產品時,保留使用經修復的零件或更換相同功能的產品之權利。
17. 維修所需用的零件可能是新件或經復修的零件。
18. 服務受有關條款所約束,漢科電腦將保留最終決定權。
19. MSI顯示器的壞點條款,請參閱MSI官網: https://www.msi.com/page/warranty/
MSI Premium Monitor On-site Service – Terms and Conditions
General warranty terms: https://www.hornington.com/一般產品保用/
1. Effective Region: Hong Kong
2. MSI monitor is warranted for 3 years
3. This monitor’s on-site service is only valid for dealer goods distributed from Hornington Computers Company only.
4. Online registration is needed to be submitted within 30 days of purchase at Hornington homepage to enjoy the monitor’s on-site service. Otherwise, Carry-in Service is valid only.
5. The original receipt for repairing service. Otherwise the starting date of the warranty will be counted from the manufacturing date of the product
6. Customer must present the original purchase invoice & warranty label for repair service verification.
7. Pick and drop service do not include on site product inspection service. If customer request product inspection service, please bring/ collect your goods at service centre.
8. Detaching service is excluded from warranty. Customer is needed to detach by oneself
9. The connecting/singal cables, accessories and cases are excluded from warranty.
10. If workshop found the product don’t valid for free service, customer need to responsible for all maintenance cost including the inspection fee, parts and delivery charges.
11. Hornington shall not be liable for the lost of warranty service in the case where Application details is incorrect or incomplete
12. MSI monitor on-site service is only valid for brand new products, not include demonstration items.
13. Hornington can refuse to repair the product or charge repair and transportation costs if the warranty for the product is deemed void if:
- i. The product has been unauthorized alternating, modification or maintenance by persons other than authorized by Hornington.
- ii. The product has been damaged or defected caused by accident or misuse inlcude but not limited to computer virus, transportation, scratch, high termperature, improper voltage,fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature.
- iii. The product is not installed in accordance with the instructions furnish by manufacturer.
- iv. The serial number or model number have been altered or removed.
- v. Products do not have the same serial number on the product and the original receipt.
- vi. Warranty period expired
- vii. Damage caused by static images displayed for lengthy periods of time
14. Service time: Mon – Fri 12:00 – 18:00 (Not available on Saturday, Sunday and General Holidays)
15. Monitor’s on-site service is only applied to industry and estates address within HKSAR, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, excluding Airport, Restricted Areas, Outlying Islands, Discovery Bay, Ma Wan & Tung Chung. Delivery is not applied for some remote districts or district cannot be reached by public transportation service.
16. The right of using repaired parts and replacing another similar item is reserved, when repair and exchange by Hornington.
17. The parts for repair may be brand new or refurbished parts.
18. Hornington reserves the right of final decision on any disputes regarding the service.
19. MSI monitor’s DOT Policy, please read in MSI website: https://www.msi.com/page/warranty/